Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome to our grade - 1/2A.
Everyone has easily settled into the start of the school year; although it was a busy beginning with many of us making new friends, and learning new names. 
As timetables are sorted we will add details so that art smocks, library bags and running shoes can be brought to school on the necessary days. Look out for this!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to grab me before or after school for a chat.
What the children thought about being back at school-
    Cadel- I wanted to come back to school to play in the little kid’s playground.
   Kyan- I liked doing Maths and Writing because I can write about things.
   Riley– I missed Mrs. Owen.
   Lochlan E– I liked coming back to school to see my friends.
   Sophie E- I liked being with Mrs.Owen.
   Madison- I’m glad that I have Mrs. Owen again.
   Maxine– I want to learn about clock times.
   Kai- I like how we have free time.
   Nikkita- I’m happy that I’m in grade 2.
   Lilly J- I like learning to write.
   Reese- I like being back with my friends. I want to learn about animals
   Tarrant- I wanted to come back to do P.E.
   Sophie M – I was scared going to school.
   Oscar- I wanted to learn new maths.
   Taj- I like playing with my friends in the playground.
   Tori- I like going on the playground and going upside down on the monkey bars.
   Alex- I like picking sticks and making cubby houses at recess.
   Skyla- I like making new friends.
   Hunter- I wanted to come back to school and play trucks in the dirt with my friends.
   Lilly S- I like learning new things like learning new writing.
   Lachlan T- I like coming back to school because I like writing and playing with my friends.
   Kaos- I like coming back to school because I got to play Lego on the first day.
   Layne- I like writing about everything.
   Seth- I liked coming back to school and making new friends in my class.
   Abbey-Kate- I like having my fruit at school.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks 1/2A. I loved reading your blog. You all sound very happy at school. :)
    From Miss Lewry
