Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bittern Primary at the Westernport Festival

Hello everyone, this weekend that just passed many of you came and helped out with our place in the local Westernport Festival Parade on the Saturday.
Throughout the week many of the students helped create their costumes and the rockets that we used as we marched down main street showing off our school pride once again!
We would like to thank all the parents who came and supported their children and the school on the day. We truly appreciate the parent involvement in our school and all the events we participate in as well as our fundraisers throughout each school year! I hope to see a lot of your faces (new and old) at as many of our events as possible as the year goes on. It is always a pleasure to get to know all of the parents of the wonderful students I see everyday.

It has been a fabulous start to the year and I can't wait to see what unfolds as the year goes on! Feel free to come and have a chat before or after school if you have any enquiries about anything that we are doing or how you can become more involved.

After a few weeks of uncertainty, we have finally been able to work out what our timetable will be for this year. As follows, the correct footwear and equipment should be provided for your children on days where it will be needed for their out-of-classroom activities with Mr. Lewis and Mr. E. If any further changes are made to our timetable we will notify you and make an update on our blog for you all to see.
Art will be on a Monday before lunch (please supply art smocks for this day)
ICT will be on Tuesdays first thing in the morning
PE will follow ICT on Tuesdays before recess

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