Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Book Character Dress Up Day.


I was dressed up as a bee. The parade was awesome. I liked the Monster High cake.  Lilly J

I dressed up as a Ninja. I got a shirt from Kmart and a long sleeve top to make a mask. I was the only Ninja.  Kaos

I came as the lion from the Lion King. His name is Simba.   Skyla

I was Elsa from Frozen. I had on a blue dress and a white cape. I liked it when I saw the cakes. My favourite cake was the Adventure Time one of Jake. Nikkita

I came as Iron man. I wore a mask. I had to wear the whole suit. He has a circle and shoots out balls. Riley

I was Spiderman. I had a mask and gloves. Spiderman shoots webs. Kai

I dressed up as a Superhero. I was Superman. Alex

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our Trip to the Museum

    The Melbourne Museum

What a day! The whole school set off for Melbourne to visit the Museum. For many children, staff and parents it was their first visit to the museum so there was lots of excitement!
 To the Forest Gallery for a look.
Next the Dinosaur Gallery ......
This was followed by lunch in the gardens and a quick run before we headed into the Bugs Alive Gallery.
 Then the Melbourne Story Gallery.
After a noisy, excited trip in to Melbourne, it was relatively quiet on the way home! Lots of exhausted children thinking about their fantastic day at the museum! A special thanks to all our families for your support of this excursion, and to our mums and dad who came along and helped supervise the children.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

I caught the first mini beast!

Catching mini-beasts in the pond
My grade went to the Cranbourne Gardens. We went on the bus. I sat next to Sophie. We brought a towel to go in the water. We weren’t allowed to get wet. People got me wet. We got out. We put on our shoes and socks. Then we went to catch mini beasts. In the water I caught a back swimmer and I caught a black little bug. When I got up the lady said, "Come and sit down." The lady had a big spider. We went on the bus and went to school.     By Reece
Catching mini beasts!

Who's scared of spiders? Not me!
   First of all we hopped in the bus. It took a long time to get there. When we got there we were told what groups we were in and what grown ups we were with. After that we walked to meet up for snack. Then we hunted for mini beasts.        by Maxine

We saw a rhinoceros Beetle. Then we had play lunch. Then we went on the slide. Then we went for a big walk. then I took my shoes off. Then we got lunch. Then I got my towel. Then we got on the bus. Then went home.            Lachlan T 

Yesterday at the Botanical gardens we first went on a bus and I sat on the bus on the middle and after we hopped off the bus we all had to line up in groups. Lilly

Look what I found!
 We hopped off the bus and had our snack. Then we went for a walk and then we went fishing with our nets. And I caught a bull ant.    Kai

I loved being at the Botanical Gardens. I picked some mini beasts. We got the mini beasts from the garden and I saw an ant in the garden. I ran away. And I saw a butterfly.      Tori

First I got on the bus. Next we set up for our snack. We caught some mini beasts and we went on the bus home.  Layne

Look out for more on mini beasts next term!





Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bittern Primary at the Westernport Festival

Hello everyone, this weekend that just passed many of you came and helped out with our place in the local Westernport Festival Parade on the Saturday.
Throughout the week many of the students helped create their costumes and the rockets that we used as we marched down main street showing off our school pride once again!
We would like to thank all the parents who came and supported their children and the school on the day. We truly appreciate the parent involvement in our school and all the events we participate in as well as our fundraisers throughout each school year! I hope to see a lot of your faces (new and old) at as many of our events as possible as the year goes on. It is always a pleasure to get to know all of the parents of the wonderful students I see everyday.

It has been a fabulous start to the year and I can't wait to see what unfolds as the year goes on! Feel free to come and have a chat before or after school if you have any enquiries about anything that we are doing or how you can become more involved.

After a few weeks of uncertainty, we have finally been able to work out what our timetable will be for this year. As follows, the correct footwear and equipment should be provided for your children on days where it will be needed for their out-of-classroom activities with Mr. Lewis and Mr. E. If any further changes are made to our timetable we will notify you and make an update on our blog for you all to see.
Art will be on a Monday before lunch (please supply art smocks for this day)
ICT will be on Tuesdays first thing in the morning
PE will follow ICT on Tuesdays before recess

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome to our grade - 1/2A.
Everyone has easily settled into the start of the school year; although it was a busy beginning with many of us making new friends, and learning new names. 
As timetables are sorted we will add details so that art smocks, library bags and running shoes can be brought to school on the necessary days. Look out for this!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to grab me before or after school for a chat.
What the children thought about being back at school-
    Cadel- I wanted to come back to school to play in the little kid’s playground.
   Kyan- I liked doing Maths and Writing because I can write about things.
   Riley– I missed Mrs. Owen.
   Lochlan E– I liked coming back to school to see my friends.
   Sophie E- I liked being with Mrs.Owen.
   Madison- I’m glad that I have Mrs. Owen again.
   Maxine– I want to learn about clock times.
   Kai- I like how we have free time.
   Nikkita- I’m happy that I’m in grade 2.
   Lilly J- I like learning to write.
   Reese- I like being back with my friends. I want to learn about animals
   Tarrant- I wanted to come back to do P.E.
   Sophie M – I was scared going to school.
   Oscar- I wanted to learn new maths.
   Taj- I like playing with my friends in the playground.
   Tori- I like going on the playground and going upside down on the monkey bars.
   Alex- I like picking sticks and making cubby houses at recess.
   Skyla- I like making new friends.
   Hunter- I wanted to come back to school and play trucks in the dirt with my friends.
   Lilly S- I like learning new things like learning new writing.
   Lachlan T- I like coming back to school because I like writing and playing with my friends.
   Kaos- I like coming back to school because I got to play Lego on the first day.
   Layne- I like writing about everything.
   Seth- I liked coming back to school and making new friends in my class.
   Abbey-Kate- I like having my fruit at school.